Impeachment Crazy

Jan 28, 2020Bad Behavior, Congress, Republicans, Something. To. Say., Trump

Hello Everyone:

      I have something to say about Donald Trump’s Impeachment Trial. It’s Crazy Town.       

      I have watched many hours of the coverage. I heard the Democratic House Managers lay out their case against the President. They made compelling arguments that Trump should be removed from office because he abused his power and obstructed Congress. They had evidence. And Congressman Adam Schiff was eloquent.

       And then I watched Trump’s defense lawyers lay out their case for Trump to remain in office because he didn’t do anything wrong. He didn’t abuse his power because he is all-powerful. Oh, really. But they had no evidence. They tried to mount scholarly arguments that the impeachment law didn’t apply to Trump, and they also lied. Why not, they represent Trump and he lies all the time.

      It’s all too sad. Because witnesses or not, the fix is in. The Republican Senators, like lemmings, will follow Mitch McConnell into the sea. Trump will remain in office.

            And who’s going to suffer over the next eight or nine months of his term—maybe even four more years? We will. The American people. And our country.

            If that’s not what you want, then you better get out there and vote. Not only in November but in your primaries and caucuses that will be coming up.

            See you next time.
