Generation Z Needs to Get Woke

Generation Z Needs to Get Woke

Hello Everybody.  I have something to say about Generation Z.

          On the first day of class last year, when I was still teaching college, I was shocked at how young my 60 freshmen journalism students looked. So I asked, “In what year were you all born?” One boy shouted out, “The year 2000.”   2000? I thought, oh my God. This is Generation Z, the vanguard of people born in the second millennium. They will be the largest generation in our history.

            I was thinking they don’t know anything know about American history, civics, and the economy…and the perilous times for our democracy. That’s why they were in my class. They had flunked the history and civics entrance exam which immigrants have to pass to become naturalized citizens. Our American kids failed and I had to teach them.

       Let me tell you about Generation Z. It is made up of entitled children, who grew up with time outs and iPhones, iPads, credit cards and Fortnite. They probably didn’t hear “no,” very often. And now this huge influx of young people comes barreling in, and I feel they aren’t prepared for the serious challenges the United States will face in the future.

      We older generations have a responsibility to help prepare these kids to take over the country someday. The schools can’t do it all. We need to teach them about what it takes to be a good citizen, a productive member of society, and  a good person.

              Generation Z is expected to be the smartest generation in history, but what good will that be if all they care about is me, myself and I.

Until next time.

Generation Z Needs to Get Woke

Generation Z Needs to Get Woke

Last fall on the first day of class, I asked my 60 freshmen journalism students in what year they were born. One young man shouted out, “2000.” Others nodded in agreement.  2000? I thought, oh my God. This is Generation Z, the vanguard of people born in the second millennium. They will the biggest generation ever.

       While my students were getting settled in their seats, I thought to myself, “They don’t know anything. They haven’t seen anything.”  Well, that’s not fair. They know about technology and social media, celebrities and sports, but they don’t know about America’s history, civics, and the economy… and the perilous times for our democracy. In that respect they are probably not much different from the President.

      Generation Z is made up of entitled children, who grew up with time outs and iPhones, iPads and Fortnite. They probably didn’t hear “no,” very often. And now they come barreling in, and I feel, they’re ill-prepared for the challenges the United States is facing.

     We older generations have a responsibility to help prepare these kids to tackle the problems ahead. We can’t rely on the schools to teach them everything. We can educate them.

     Take your children and grandchildren, as I have, and sit them down and tell them about the past and what the heck is going on today. If you don’t know, look it up. You should know, too. Generation Z is expected to be the smartest generation in history, but what good will that be if all they care about is me, myself and I.

     Until next time.