The Quarantine 15

The Quarantine 15

Hello Everybody. I have something to say about the Quarantine 15.

Have you stepped on the scale lately? I bet in the past four months you’ve been eating stuff you swore off years ago.

Like the so-called Freshman 15 pounds you gain in college, people are putting on the Quarantine 15.  Researchers say that a lot of Americans have packed on from 8 to 15 pounds while we’ve been shut in. I’ll own up to it. I’ve gained 8 pounds. Shameful.

Why the junk food eating? We’re stressed out, worried and frightened about Covid-19, and so we turn to comfort food to relieve the tension. Specifically, we want food that is sweet, salty, fatty and chocolate. The four new food groups for a pandemic. Oh yes, and then there’s the alcohol.

Sales have skyrocketed for pizza, hot dogs, fried chicken, snack foods and…Tequila.

Americans don’t need to get more overweight than we are. So, when those coronavirus curves start flattening out, we need to make our curves flatten out, too.

See you next time.

Chocolate is Good for You

Chocolate is Good for You

Hello everybody. I have something to say about chocolate.

I have been a lifelong chocoholic. When some people get upset about something, they turn to drinking, smoking, taking pills or eating. My drug of choice has always been chocolate. I don’t even have to eat it. Just knowing I have some stashed away is comforting. 

They’ve always said chocolate is bad for you…all the fat, sugar and calories are unhealthy. Now comes a report I’ve been waiting for most of my life. This year no less than the American Heart Association conclusively reported that dark chocolate is packed with nutrients and is high in flavonoids. Flavonoids are anti-oxidants that can lower blood pressure and lower the risk of heart disease. 

That’s not all. Dark chocolate can improve cognitive function in old people like me.  Helps your heart and brain? What more could you ask for? But you have to eat dark chocolate with at least 70 percent or more of cacao, that’s the raw chocolate. But we are cautioned to eat the chocolate in moderation. Despite the healthful benefits. It still has lots of calories.

I found out something else. Do you know which candy bar is the most popular all over the world?  It’s Snickers.  Reese’s peanut butter cups came in second. Time for a snack. Hmmm.