Coronavirus Anxiety

Mar 7, 2020Health, Something. To. Say.

        Hello Everybody. I have something to say about the coronavirus pandemic. To be honest with you, I am afraid. I’m very afraid. I’m in the elderly high-risk group. I’ve been living on this earth for seventy years and I can’t ever remember anything sweeping half the countries on the planet bringing with it, disease and death. And to make matters worse, our government seems ill-prepared to handle the crisis that is already changing American life as we knew it just six weeks ago.

         We were in a Costco last weekend to do what the experts say we should do. Stock up on paper goods, hand sanitizers, medicines and other necessities, in case we have to be quarantined. You’ve been in a Costco and you know the check-out lines are in the front and the food is way in the back. Well the lines at every checkout station stretched all the way back to the meat. People pushed baskets overflowing with toilet paper and bottled water and wine and candy. Whatever your necessities are.

        I couldn’t wait in those lines. I went somewhere else, but I did stock up. And I’m washing my hands feverishly, and I’m afraid to touch my face and scared to turn a doorknob. Trump continues to minimize the danger, but scientists warn things will get worse before they get better.

        So, as silly as I feel with all my provisions, I think we all should heed, “Better safe than sorry.” People, get ready.


I hope to see you next time.
