Too Old To Be President?

Too Old To Be President?

 Hello Everybody. I have something to say about old presidential candidates.

     “Age ain’t nothing but a number,” is a song popularized by the late singer, Aaliyah.” The phrase has particular relevance today when voters are beginning to focus on the ages of the frontrunning candidates for President. It hadn’t been talked about too much, until Bernie Sanders suffered a heart attack on the campaign trail.  His image as a robust, energetic 78-year-old was shattered in 24 hours. He’s the oldest candidate. Joe Biden is 76, Elizabeth Warren is 70. And Donald Trump is 73. Never before have so many septuagenarians run for president.

        I think ageism is likely to become a factor for each of them, because we in America think old people aren’t physically or mentally capable of being president. But do you have any idea of how many sick younger men were president and had serious health problems? 

         Franklin Delano Roosevelt came down with polio at age 39 that left him paralyzed in both legs, but he hid his condition from the public.

       Dwight Eisenhower, while he was in office, suffered a heart attack, a stroke and Crohn’s Disease.

      John F. Kennedy was only 43, but he kept secret his Addison’s disease, chronic back pain and addiction to painkillers.

        (Photo) Nobody knew Ronald Reagan was unhealthy, but he had bad arthritis, and while occupying the White House he had surgery for skin cancer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. And he was shot in the chest.  He also began showing signs of Alzheimer’s at the end of his second term.

      Young or old, people have health challenges, but should that rule them out for America’s top job? Don’t we care about intelligence, open-mindedness, compassion, and honesty in candidates? I think we do. Age ain’t nothing but a number.

Until next time.

Biden Bites Black Hands Feeding Him

Biden Bites Black Hands Feeding Him

Hello, Everybody. I have something to say about Joe Biden.

Vice President Biden, in the last Democratic debate, made some more statements insulting African Americans. People may have missed them because of the attention paid to Biden’s use of the archaic term, “record player.” Here’s what got overlooked. Biden had been asked about the legacy of slavery on African Americans today.  

He proceeded to insinuate that black parents don’t know how to raise their kids, that they need help, like from social workers. This, after saying in a previous debate, that he was against busing for school desegregation.  And that after saying he worked well with southern Senators, who were staunch segregationists.

Biden’s string of insensitive remarks are deeply concerning to many black Americans, who make up a voting bloc which overwhelmingly supports him for President.

But he had better watch his words when he talks about Black Americans. Being Barack Obama’s vice president won’t be enough for them to forget his many racial slights this year, when it comes time to vote next year.

Democratic Debate Surprises

Democratic Debate Surprises

Hello Everybody.  I have something to say about the two Democratic Debates.

First of all, there were too many darned debaters. To accommodate the twenty candidates running for President, it took four hours over two days. Well, I watched every moment, and I came away with a winner for each night.

The first debate I gave to Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. As she has been saying on the campaign trail, “I have a plan for that,” she did have a plan for all kinds of problems in our country. And during the debate she explained how her plans would work. Her nine rivals couldn’t touch that.

The second debate went to California Senator Kamala Harris. Hands down. She beat frontrunner Joe Biden and she did it with smarts and a forceful delivery. Her most effective moments came in her assault on Biden’s record in the Senate. He tried to defend himself, but he got all flustered.

After I chose my two debate winners, I realized they were both women. It was a wonderful feeling.  They proved to be better than the 14 men they were up against.

I thought after Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump, it would be a long time before a woman would be elected president.  But thanks to Warren and Harris, I think it may not be long at all.

See you again.